Check out our online courses

Do you want to enhance your library skills in handling the PROLIB system, but don’t have time to read the documentation? Do you wish to develop your knowledge anytime and anywhere? Do you want to make the most of the automation capabilities in the PROLIB system, but your library does not use individual training? If so, e-learning courses are the perfect solution for your library!

Our educational platform offers various online courses that will help to elevate the skill level in your library and fully utilize the extensive capabilities offered by the PROLIB system. Our courses are prepared by experienced experts and cover different areas of the system. The collection of courses will be continuously expanded.

kurs biblioteczny

Thanks to our educational platform, you can learn anywhere and at any time. Our platform is user-friendly and provides access to educational materials, tests, and exercises. Upon completion of each course, participants receive a certificate.

Fill out the application form today and start your online education adventure!

Take care of your employees' development

kursy bibliotekarskie PROLIB


The participant receives a certificate upon completion of the course.

kursy bibliotekarskie - utrwalanie wiedzy

Consolidation of knowledge

In each course, there are practical tasks that reinforce the material learned.

Oszczędność czasu - kurs biblioteczny online

Saves time

E-learning courses are convenient for the employee, save time, and do not conflict with daily duties.

Sprofilowany kurs biblioteczny

Profiled course

It adapts knowledge to the learner’s pace and time.

Rejestracja w INTEGRO - kurs biblioteczny

Course Topics

Reports (Administration)

The course aims to organize knowledge in the field of report management.


The course comprehensively presents knowledge about stocktaking in the system.

Lending Register

The knowledge gained after completing the course allows for the configuration and management of the lending register in the system.


The course provides comprehensive knowledge about fees in the PROLIB and INTEGRO systems.

Reader Import

This course aims to teach the process of importing reader data and updating it in the Lending module.


The course covers the configuration and comprehensive management of reminders directed to readers with charges on their account.

Orders (Settings)

The course covers topics related to setting up and configuring orders in the Rental and INTEGRO catalog module.

Registration in INTEGRO

The course pertains to setting up and operating the reader registration option in INTEGRO.

Course packages

The unit price of each package is PLN 120 net (access to the course for 45 days). When purchasing more than 2 courses, the unit price will be PLN 99 net.

Questions and Answers

Yes, access to all courses is time-limited. The course is available for 45 days.

Yes, the courses are exclusively for customers already using the PROLIB system.

Yes, all courses are regularly updated with all new and available features.

E-learning sessions consist of individual courses focused on specific topics, such as configuring and operating a process in the system, performing step-by-step actions to achieve desired outcomes, various parameter settings affecting the system’s operation and presentation.

Yes, samples of courses are available for selected topics. Currently, these are:

  • Reader’s card – card printout,
  • Reader’s account – manual account addition.

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Zwolnienia z VAT za szkolenia dotyczą tylko instytucji, które finansowane są ze środków publicznych.

If the Library/University is exempt from VAT, the appropriate declaration should be sent along with the registration form. VAT exemptions for training apply only to institutions funded by public funds.

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