A digital library is a product that not only meets all the requirements for publishing
digital objects on the web.
It is also a tool that is fully consistent with the library catalogue and user account.
The application’s interface, for both readers and editors/administrators, is web-based,
meaning that it allows users to work from any device and from anywhere.
Advantages of e-learning
E-learning is online education. It enables remote learning or additional training using technology and various forms of education.
Modern ERP Class Procurement Systems
ERP class systems are some of the most important tools in medium and large enterprises, enabling effective management
Local or cloud-based erp system: choosing the best solution
Choosing an ERP system is not an easy process. It requires the involvement of a group of people within the company,
Application of the rega – bibliography module in libraries using the prolib system
The article demonstrates the use of the REGA module by libraries utilizing the PROLIB system.
Prolib library system integrated with all major online payment providers
According to the E-commerce in Poland report published at the end of 2022, it appears that Poles have fallen in love with online payments.
A Tailor-Made Library System – User Experience In Prolib Solutions
We usually talk about the success of a product when we observe the sales bars.
Desiderata – a new opening
The word desideratum comes from the ancient Latin desideratum, which means “something desirable that must be possessed.”
Easy access zone in book machines supported by the PROLIB system
Book-o-mat’s are gaining more and more popularity. Nowadays, they fit in with the idea of a book “coming” to the reader.
How to choose a library system?
With a sufficient dose of probability’ we can say that every professionally active library director at least once has had to face the necessity of choosing a library system.
mPROLIB mobile application – whatt’s new?
The mobile application for readers of libraries working in the PROLIB library system has gained new functionalities.
SaaS / PaaS / IaaS . . . but what are we talking about?
“Go to cloud” or “Step into the cloud” are some of the most common items in modern organizations’ IT strategic plans.
Statistics in the PROLIB library system
Another statistical year has passed and by February 7, 2022, form K-03 Library report should be completed and sent to the Central Statistical Office.
Robotic Process Automation – in short RPA
Robotic Process Automation is a system which enables automation of repeatable processes.
Comparison of EBS vs Fusion technology solutions
In this article, we will try to explain the technological differences between Oracle EBS and Oracle Fusion products.
Comparison of EBS vs Fusion business functionality
In this article, we will try to explain the functional differences between the main business areas of Oracle EBS vs. Oracle Fusion products.
Book Terminal – “must have” of the last season
The functioning of libraries during the pandemic period has shown that with the existing organizational.
A day in the reader’s life in quarantine – library inspirations
Over the past few weeks, the coronavirus crisis has had a huge impact on society, institutions and businesses.
QUATRA MAX – servicing Employee Capital Plans
PPK is a voluntary and fully private long-term savings system, which is planned to increase the financial security of Poles retiring.
Remote Work in PROLIB System During the Library Closure
Present situation connected with the coronavirus pandemics forced everyone to change their daily routines.
Hybrid Solutions in the Mobile Applications World
Today’s world – can anyone imagine our daily life without omnipresent smartphones?
Statistics in library system PROLIB
The date of sending information on library’s work in a financial year is approaching.
Employee Portal in ERP Class System
Employee Portal is a platform supporting both company’s activity as well as its employees.
Vital Role of People in ERP System Implementation
There are many articles and more or less scientific publications about ERP systems
Use of Big Data in Public Administration
The notion of Big Data is identified with data of significant volume. They may come from social services and from many devices sensors.