Reporting channels for whistleblowers

The Company’s Internal Reporting Regulations set out the rules and manner in which Whistleblowers can report violations of the Law and receive, process and implement Follow-up Actions related to Reports.

The purpose of introducing the Regulations is to implement in the Company the provisions of the Law of 23 May 2024 on the protection of Whistleblowers (the ‘Law’) and to support the Company’s activities aimed at:

  • prevent the occurrence of Breaches of the Law,
  • prevent and minimise the negative effects of Violations of the Law on Whistleblowers, the Company, members of its bodies, counterparties and shareholders,
  • promoting appropriate ethical attitudes,
  • strengthening the Company’s image as an ethical and transparent organisation.

Whistleblowers who have reasonable grounds or suspicions that Legal Violations have occurred or may have occurred have the right to report them through:

a. A dedicated information system available at:

Internal reporting system – Sygnity Business Solutions S.A. | SygnaApp

b. in person to the person(s) on the Commission who documents the receipt of the Application – in the case of a request to accept an Application in person,

or .

c. by telephone on + 48 725 260 060.

Submissions via the IT system are anonymous, unless the Signatory provides personal information in the Submission.