E-services in the PROLIB system

The PROLIB system delivers products that meet the contemporary expectations of libraries and librarians. Discover the e-services in the PROLIB system essential in every modern library.

E-services in the PROLIB System - E-book and audiobooks rental

E-services in the PROLIB system – lending of e-books and audiobooks
The e-book lending library provides services (loans, returns and extensions) of electronic documents in PDF, EPUB, MOBI and AUDIO formats in a way similar to the service of traditional documents. It is possible for the reader to borrow on-line from the INTEGRO catalogue, according to his/her rights and limits. After the lending period expires, the document is automatically returned. The solution is equipped with a viewer for viewing PDF files, which secures the sharing of such files in accordance with the publishers’ licences. The e-book lending solution introduces additional capabilities in such PROLIB system modules as Development, Exemplar, Lending Library and Warehouse.

E-services in the PROLIB System - On-line payment in INTEGRO and BLIK in the rental shop

The e-service of on-line payment from the level of the INTEGRO search engine enables the readers to settle their library dues on their own (fees for lost library materials, ordered photocopies or remote borrowings, etc.) by means of electronic transfers, as this functionality includes integration with the payment service ( e.g. PayU service). The ability to independently regulate library fees via electronic transfer without the need to visit the library for this purpose provides readers with discretion and great psychological comfort, which makes the library more user-friendly. An additional benefit for the Library is the higher fee collection from readers.

An additional e-service in the Circulation Desk is integration with the BLIK mobile payment system. Payment with the BLIK code is more convenient and faster than any other type of transfer, and it does not require the library to have a payment terminal. During his visit to the library, the reader generates the BLIK code on his smartphone and gives it to the librarian, who makes the payment from the PROLIB system rental and that’s it!

E-services in the PROLIB System - Registering readers with the help of the National Node

The e-service of integrating the reader’s account with the National Node enables readers to sign up to the library through the INTEGRO Multishearch engine with the use of external identity providers, without the need to visit the library and confirm personal data.

The user who chooses the login (or registration) method via the National Node will be sent to the website of the Ministry of Digitization, where he can select an identity provider (Trusted Profile, eDevidence, bank system and others) and verify his data. After authentication, the account is active, thanks to which the reader can order and reserve books immediately after registration. The e-service is based on the previous version of the integration with the e-PUAP account.

E-services in the PROLIB System - mPROLIB mobile application

The mobile application provides the ability to search and present the results, as well as service for the reader’s account. The application is integrated with the PROLIB library system through the API programming interface. The application installed on the mobile device allows, among others for signing up to the library, searching for resources (traditional and electronic) in the catalog, creating a virtual shelf and comprehensive service of the reader’s account. In addition, thanks to the possibilities offered by mobile devices – application users can use the option of geolocation of specific items, navigation to the library, PUSH notifications or a barcode scanner. The application of a given library is available to readers on the IOS and GooglePlay platforms.

E-services in the PROLIB System - Application for booking rooms and Bookingplace stands

A flexible application that allows you to book various types of resources available in the library, from computer stations to quiet work rooms, conference rooms, teaching aids, etc. Bookingplace can be made available from the library website or directly from the INTEGRO catalog. Logged in reader can view the history of his bookings, cancel and send messages to the so-called booking supervisor.

The guardian is a library employee with the authorization to manage the structure of rooms and workstations for reservations and the reservations themselves. It has the ability to create the organizational structure of reservation objects in the form of a tree list. The reservation supervisor defines the days and hours of permanent availability of reservation facilities and has the option of excluding the facility or the entire branch of facilities from temporary booking and assigning the exclusion reason. Additionally, the functionality of viewing statistics on the use of booking facilities is also available.

The Bookingplace application is available both for libraries working in the PROLIB system and in other library systems.

E-services in the PROLIB System - Blog in INTEGRO

Discover new possibilities for communication in the library with the BLOG feature in the INTEGRO catalog. It is designed for library users, enabling them to create and develop a community by sharing thoughts and engaging in discussions on interesting topics. As an intriguing form of exchanging ideas and knowledge, the BLOG not only enhances the library’s offerings but also increases the number of virtual visits to the catalog, encouraging the use of other available services.

Full support for the BLOG, including administration, is available directly from our INTEGRO Multi-Search Engine.

Logged-in users can create content, and everyone has access to reading published blogs, making it an ideal tool for writing and discussing captivating topics.

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