Customer statement
Mrs. Barbara Strelczuk – System Librarian at the Library of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin.
The Group Work Room is subject to reservation. We use a simplified version – without the need to confirm the booking by the librarian. Users with an active account can make reservations for a specific time on their own (the maximum time is 2 hours with the possibility of extension). Upon receiving the key to the room, the administrative librarian starts the booking from his account.
Students are very eager to book a Group Work Room, because they can work together creatively, without the presence of a librarian, without disturbing anyone. They have a computer, projector and flipchart at their disposal.
The implementation of the application contributed to an increase in the number of visitors to the Library. It enjoys great interest. The most important among readers for whom independence and style of working in a group are of great importance.
Cooperation with SBS on the implementation of the application was very smooth. The training was conducted in a friendly atmosphere. The consultant thoroughly and simply discussed the Bookingplace module. Noteworthy is the trouble-free communication and the lack of any problems with introducing changes or suggestions.
Our product is constantly developed and updated.
Thanks to this, there will be further benefits, the beneficiaries of which will be current and future customers.