Discovering Libraries Anew

In the latest issue of “Bibliotekarz lubuski” /Librarian of Lubuskie/ magazine, an article of the employee of Sygnity Business Solutions appeared, concerning the new picture of libraries.

Librarian of Lubuskie magazine

In the latest issue of “Bibliotekarz lubuski” /Librarian of Lubuskie/ magazine you can read a very interesting article of Krzysztof Henne, who on everyday basis supports Business Sygnity Solutions team with his knowledge and experience. The author in an interesting way, including his own experience, presents an old and modern picture of libraries. He deals with stereotypes and shows that technology is nowadays present also in libraries.

You can find the article here, the whole text starts on page 48.

Many innovative solutions are introduced thanks to the library system PROLIB, which we are very proud of.

We are most pleased with the fact that more and more customers are using the solutions, recommending them to others. We would like to encourage you to read the article. We will be happy to hear your opinion on the modern face of libraries in social media.