The document workflow module in Quatra Max
The document workflow module in Quatra Max is a tool designed to efficiently manage incoming documents for the company, such as contracts, offers, purchase documents, customer complaints, internal documents and outgoing documents. It makes it possible to define individual document workflow paths for different categories and types of documents.
Each document handled by the document workflow module in Quatra Max can be linked to other system documents, ensuring full integration and availability of related information. Operators with access to a document automatically also have access to the related documents.
Document workflow paths
Documents are handled according to defined document workflow paths. A corresponding path is defined for each type of document, and the various workflow statuses correspond to the next steps along the path. At each step, editable and/or mandatory elements can be defined, allowing precise management of the process and ensuring that the document does not proceed to the next step without the relevant persons completing the required information.
Entering documents
Documents can be added to the workflow in three ways:
directly in the document circulation window,
by adding them in another system file and then introducing them into the workflow,
via the Quatra Portal.
Each of these ways can be used depending on the category of documents and user preferences.
Visibility of documents in the workflow
Operators have permissions that allow them to see only those documents on whose circulation path they are. These can be documents assigned to them or documents that were previously assigned to them and have been passed on. There is also an option to mark documents as visible to all operators, regardless of their participation in the approval path.
Automatic forwarding of documents in circulation
The system allows the definition of rules for the automatic transmission of documents (e.g. to another operator, with the sending of an e-mail notification). The user can define on his/her own which documents and under what conditions are to be transferred automatically or which notifications are to be sent (e.g. a reminder the day before the deadline and forwarding to an alternate on the due date).
Sending notifications
It is possible in the system to send notifications to operators when an operation is performed in the workflow (e.g. document release, assignment). Notifications can be sent as system messages or emails.
Document attachments
Attachments can be added to each document in the workflow, which can be any system files. Attachments can be added directly from Quatra via the document scanning function. The visibility of attachments is restricted to operators with rights to the document, but it is also possible to further restrict access to selected attachments. Each attachment can have multiple versions, and the system records the operator and date each version was added.
Document workflow in the Quatra Portal
Document Circulation is also available on the Quatra Portal, where leave requests, other requests and delegations are handled. Documents added on the Portal can be handled there as well as in Quatra.
Benefits provided by the workflow module in Quatra Max
⇒ Cost control through the correct approval path.
⇒ Optimisation of document handling time through reminders and notifications.
⇒ Reduce handling time and document transmission costs, especially in distributed organisations.
⇒ Reduce the risk of lost documents by adding any attachments.
⇒ Automation of document decreeing thanks to substantive description using system dictionaries.
⇒ Handling of budget requests and their acceptance in circulation by authorised persons enabling automatic inclusion of requests in the budget plan.