APPLICATIONS in the Quatra Portal – a new way of submitting applications

We are planning to launch a new module – eApplications in the Quatra Portal. This will be a key step towards facilitating the communication process for users, offering them a modern tool for submitting various types of applications.

The Quatra Portal has been available to Quatra Max system customers since November 2022. The portal provides a modern way of communication between the company and its employees.

Our solution also offers extended management options. Currently, Quatra Portal users mainly use self-service employee and managerial functions, such as information containing employment data:

  • details about current contracts,
  • validity of medical examinations,
  • absence limit,
  • salary information (payslips),
  • information related to PPK (Employee Capital Plans).

The scope of this information is always determined by the employer.

In the fall of 2023, Sygnity Business Solutions S.A. will offer Quatra Portal customers, in addition to the proper sharing and presentation of personnel and payroll data to employees (without the need to visit the HR department), also the possibility of actively initiating HR processes, which will significantly speed up the information exchange process in companies. Equally important, it will eliminate the need for paper documents.

For your convenience, we are expanding the Quatra Max system with an Applications module which will extend the functions of the Employee Portal. The Applications module will allow for sending requests through the Portal and their automatic routing to specific people for approval.

Examples of use:

  • request for private leave,
  • request to make up for private leave,
  • request for overtime,
  • order for overtime work,
  • overtime collection.

In the Quatra Max system, you can define practically any applications related to various modules (e.g. Loan Application, Application for holidays under a pear tree, etc.). For each application, the so-called document circulation is defined, i.e., the approval path of a given type of document.

Applications can also be linked with the E-folder module and after approval can automatically go to the employee’s file in the system.

eApplications in the Quatra Portal – what benefits will the new module bring?

The use of the new Applications module in the Quatra MAX system can bring many benefits, such as:

  • optimization of HR processes – significant improvement in document flow in the company,
  • reduction of application service time – initiation, transfer, and service on the Portal,
  • connection with other Quatra MAX system modules,
  • possibility of issuing and handling applications from any place,
  • access through the Portal to the current status of application handling,
  • email notifications about pending applications to be processed,
  • cost reduction – elimination of paper documents.

For more information, please contact Grzegorz Ślufiński: